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Monday, June 11, 2012

Art Decor Tutorial

I have for a long time wanted to know how to get the a stained glass effect of any artwork. I followed the tutorial @ http://vector.tutsplus.com/tutorials/designing/how-to-create-a-stained-glass-effect-in-illustrator/  This was just awesome :).

1 comment:

  1. I pondered to myself recently what were the most important things in my life. The answer seems to be clear that art was up there in importance. Why? Frankly, I don't really know. May be someone here can enlighten me?
    As was my wont when I have some free time, I browsed the marvelous site, Wahooart, where they keep thousands of digital images for customers to select to have printed into handsome canvas prints for their homes.
    This image jumped out to jolt my reveries: Still life with bread, by the Cubist Georges Braque. Is art like this picture, as essential as bread and water, or should I say bread and wine?
